Grading Policy

School Year 2021-2022

Communicate to parents, that some students may not yet be ready for grade-level work. It is understood that instruction begins at the appropriate level for each child at multiple entry points. Evidence can be found in your records indicating progress via conference notes, writing folders, post-its, observations, etc. Class test scores indicating that a child has mastered material being taught are not always comparable to the Standard for that child’s grade. Instruction builds toward the Standard for the grade in measurable, incremental steps.

For example: A fourth- grade student has achieved 90% on a reading comprehension test that is at a third-grade level ( his/her instructional level). This score shows the child is making progress TOWARD the fourth grade but does NOT indicate that he/she is proficient at fourth-grade work. That child will receive a “1” or “2”, not a “3” or “4” on his overall grade.

Uniform Grading System K-5
Averages Performance Level Standards
900-100 4 Exceeds grade-level standards
80-89 3 Meets grade-level standards
65-79 2 Approaches grade-level standards
0-64 1 Far below grade-level standards
Uniform Grading System 6-8
Averages * Standards
90-100 Exceeds Academy Standards
80-89 Meets Academy Standards
65-79 Approaches Academy Standards
0-64 Far Below Academy Standards
*Averages at 5 point intervals up to 85, single point intervals from 85- 100

Current Promotional Policy remains in effect:

Promotion in Doubt is not an indication the student will definitely repeat the grade. It is an opportunity for dialog with the family that academic performance is significantly below standard and cause for concern. Plan to discuss appropriate interventions to accelerate achievement over the coming months. For students with an IEP, refer to SESIS for the student’s promotional criteria. If you have any questions, consult your supervisor.

Your comments to parents should always be academically based and tactful. If behavior is a concern, it must be addressed in terms of how the issues are interfering with student learning, Ms. Martin, Ms. Hametz, Mr. Pascarelli and myself are always available to assist you.


A certificate is awarded once each marking period.

  1. A student must receive all level 3’s with at least one level 4 in each of the following academic areas: (Reading,Writing, Listening, and Speaking, Math, Science and Social Studies).
  2. Students must have at least a level 3 in all areas of Academic and Personal Behaviors.
  3. Students must have excellent attendance/ lateness record (at least 90%)
  4. In addition to the above, Academy students must achieve a Level 4 in English Language Arts overall.


A certificate is awarded once each marking period

  1. A candidate must achieve an overall average of 90% in all subject areas.
  2. A candidate is permitted only one grade between 85%- 89% in any one subject area per report card period.
  3. Students are permitted only one “S” in Conduct per report card period. All other Conduct grades must be “E”. Students with more than one “S” in Conduct per report card are not eligible for Honor Roll.

If you need to see a parent, say so. Please speak to your supervisor or, guidance counselors Anna Constantatos or Kara Bracone, about any serious problems. If there has been an ongoing concern, do not wait to contact parents. The marks must absolutely relate to what you have been telling the parent. If you tell the parent there has been improvement in approaching and reaching standards, or if you tell the parent the child needs improvement, the mark must reflect that determination and show evidence to support your decision.




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